Ekström, M. 2015: A simple variography based metric to identify spatial similarity in simulated rainfall fields . Greenhouse2015, Hobart, Australia, 26 October
Lim, E.-P. and H. H. Hendon 2015: Understanding and predicting the contrast of Australian springtime rainfall of 1997 and 2002 . CAWCR workshop 2015, 19-22 Oct, Melbourne [Project 3]
Lim, E.-P. and H. H. Hendon 2015: Understanding and predicting the contrast of Australian springtime rainfall of 1997 and 2002 in the frame of two flavors of El Nino , AMOS conference 2015, 15-17 Jul, Brisbane QLD [Project 3]
Lim, E.-P. , H. H. Hendon, J. Arblaster, C. Chung, G. Young and P. Hope 2015: The role of SST trend during La Nina on the record high rainfall over Australia in spring 2010 , ENSO workshop 2015, 4-6 Feb [Project 3]
Lucas, C and H. Nguyen, 2015: Regional characteristics of tropical expansion and the role of climate variability . Oral presentation. AGU Chapman Conference on Tropical Width, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 27-31 July 2015
Lucas, C, H. Nguyen, B. Timbal, 2015: Understanding the causes of Southern Hemisphere Tropical expansion . Oral presentation, AGU Chapman conference on Tropical Width, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 27-31 July 2015
Nguyen, H, H Hendon, E.-P. Lim, C Lucas, E Maloney, B Timbal, 2015: Regional impacts of Hadley Circulation expansion in the Southern Hemisphere . Oral presentation. AGU Chapman Conference on Tropical Width, Santa Fe, NM, USA, 27-31 July 2015
Zhao, M., H. H. Hendon, O. Alves, G. Liu and G. Wang 2015: Weakened El Nino predictability in the early 21st Century, ENSO workshop 2015, 4-6 Feb [Project 1]
Ekström, M. 2014: Pursuing high resolution downscaling for hydrological applications in the Victorian Climate Initiative (VicCI) . 21st Century Challenges in Regional Climate Modelling. Lund, Sweden 16th -19th June
Ekström, M. 2014: The pursuit of fine-resolution climate projections to simulate physically plausible impacts on water resources . Climate Adaptation 2014: Future Challenges. Gold Coast Australia, 29th Sept-2nd Oct
Lim, E.-P. , H. H. Hendon and H. Rashid 2014: Predictability and prediction skill of the Southern Annular Mode based on its relationship with ENSO , the AMS 94th annual meeting, 2-6 Feb [Project 3]
Lim, E.-P., H. H. Hendon, G. Liu and G. Young 2014: Understanding and predicting the extreme wet conditions over Australia in 2010 spring , the AMS 94th annual meeting, 2-6 Feb [Project 3]
Lucas, C, H Nguyen and B Timbal, 2014: A critical comparison of tropical expansion metrics. 5th SPARC General Assembly, Queenstown, NZ, 12-17 January 2014
Lucas, C and B Timbal, 2014: What drives Southern Hemisphere tropical expansion? 5th SPARC General Assembly, Queenstown, NZ, 12-17 January 2014
Timbal, B. 2014: The Victorian Climate Initiative (VicCI). Melbourne R&D Forum, 5 May
Hendon, H.H., G. Wang, and M. McPhaden: 2013: “Decadal Variation of ENSO Predictability”. Oral presentation at AOGS Brisbane, June 24-28. [Project 1]
Hendon, H.H., E.P. Lim, and H. Nguyen, 2013: “Interaction of the SAM with Subtropical Circulation and Rainfall”, oral presentation AOGS Brisbane, June 24-28 [Project 3]
Lim, E.-P., H. H. Hendon and H. A. Rashid 2013: Impact of Two Different Flavors of ENSO on the Low Frequency Variation of the Southern Annular Mode. Oral presentation at the Asia-Oceania Geophysical Society annual meeting, 24-28 June 2013, Brisbane [Projects 1 and 3]
Lucas, C., H. Nguyen, and B. Timbal, 2013: “Observations of Tropical Expansion”, oral presentation AOGS Brisbane June 24-28 [Project 2]
Nguyen, H., C. Lucas, and B. Timbal, 2013: “Attribution and Impact of the Recent Hadley Circulation Expansion”, oral presentation at AOGS Brisbane, 24-29 June. [Project 4]
Timbal, B., 2013: The Victorian Climate Initiative – VicCI. Greenhouse 2013, Adelaide, 7-11 October