National climate science capability
The underpinning science capability within the ACCSP allowed it to build strong and complementary connections with many other Australian research programmes.
For example, the ACCSP worked with the Centre of Excellence for Climate System Science in developing Australia’s climate modelling capability in support of research and climate and weather simulation across all timescales, and with the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre in delivering Antarctic and Southern Ocean science.
The science delivered through the ACCSP also underpinned many programmes examining the likely effects of climate change on our environment, our economy and our society, as well as informing adaptation initiatives.
Regional programmes
The ACCSP paved the way for a host of regional programmes that have increased our understanding of climate change, including:
- South-Eastern Australian Climate Initiative (SEACI): investigated climate change and climate variability in the Murray-Darling Basin, Victoria and southern South Australia, paying particular attention to rainfall and run-off.
- Indian Ocean Climate Initiative (IOCI): examined the causes of the rainfall decline in Western Australia, and developed climate projections to inform policy.
- South-East Queensland Climate Adaptation Research Initiative (SEQ-CARI): the first comprehensive regional study of climate change adaptation in Australia, examining south-east Queensland’s vulnerability to climate change and developing adaptation options.
- Goyder Institute for Water Research: providing scientific support for South Australian water management, including assessing changes in water availability as a result of climate change.
- Pacific Climate Change Science Program (PCCSP) and Pacific-Australia Climate Change Science and Adaptation Planning (PACCSAP): examining past climate trends and variability and providing regional and national climate projections for Pacific island countries and East Timor.
- The Victorian Climate Initiative (VicCi): built on SEACI to investigate climate change and climate variability in Victoria.
- Climate Futures for Tasmania (CFT): presented local climate information for Tasmania.
- The NSW/ACT Regional Climate Modelling project (NARCLiM): a research partnership that provided climate projections for New South Wales.